“Teresa is gifted and she has always been the one whom you wanted to call when you needed support. She always supported me, and it was the most important thing. I'm really thankful for this relationship which helped me to survive and for having such a person in my life.”

A. Novoseltseva, Regional Marketing Manager, Coca-Cola of Eurasia, St. Petersburg Russia

“Teresa falls into the “awesome” category… It was immediately obvious to me that Teresa was, and is, something very special. She is a true professional. She is prepared for every session we have; she is a beyond a very good listener; she is patient, and her questions are both clear and important.”

The Hon. Tom Schmidt, Esq.

“It was helpful to have an objective third-person party coax me to articulate my goals and dreams and clarify the obstacles standing in the way of their achievement. With such clarification, came an even deeper realization of life-changing truths that altered continuing unfulfilling and self-defeating habits. Teresa’s coaching was invaluable in scraping away the cobweb of routine dissatisfaction and seeing a constructive way out to a happier lifestyle. She gave me the tools and showed me the way.”

A. Henig, Attorney & Owner, Ceres Seed Fund, Venture Capital Firm, Tucson, AZ

“This is a wonderful thing you have done to bring us together to discuss compassion and how we can encourage this in the broader community.”  Former Congressman Ron Barber

“I was fortunate to find my coach, Teresa Cowan Jones.  I know I am on the right track in my life and owe it to Teresa's wisdom and knowledge.  She is vivacious, helpful and I always walk away from a session with confidence and self-worth.”

G. Cappelletti, CEO, Putman Publishing, Chicago IL

“Teresa’s coaching has had a profound influence on my personal and professional life.  Both family members and professional colleagues have noticed the difference in my attitude and effectiveness.  Teresa Cowan Jones has the special ability to help others see the beauty in themselves and the world around them.  She offers tools and practices that can truly help anyone achieve a better life balance in our fast-paced world. I have gained the tools and ability to reduce stress and approach life from a more thoughtful and positive perspective.  Talking through my options and devising strategies for dealing with the challenges has been a tremendous help.”

B. Dusenberry, CEO and President, Horizon Moving Systems, Tucson, AZ

“I am writing to strongly recommend Teresa Cowan Jones as a consultant to provide mentoring and coaching workshops to nonprofit executives. Teresa Cowan Jones provided coaching and consultant services to the Arizona Center for Progressive Leadership class that I attended from January-September 2010. Her responsibilities included conducting group coaching sessions and individual mentoring and coaching to some class members, including me. Teresa provided outstanding professional, high-quality guidance in both group settings and individual mentoring sessions throughout this nine-month leadership development class. As my mentor, Teresa helped me identify priorities, articulate them more clearly, and create a plan to achieve my goals. Specifically, Teresa’s listening and analytical skills helped me to identify key points that needed further development and those that needed fine-tuning; her knowledge of cognitive processes and individual differences was evident in her ability to respond effectively to a variety of personalities and styles as we worked through group projects and her guidance helped us to achieve our collective goal. Teresa’s passion for her work was evident as she listened intently and enthusiastically, framed issues in such a way that led me (her mentee) to more clearly develop a realistic plan that included a vision, goals and specific action steps required for success. Working with Teresa as my coach and mentor was, without a doubt, the part of this leadership class that I found to be most rewarding.  It was a privilege to work with her personally and it was instructive to be part of a group of very different personalities who all responded well to her guidance and training. She will be an asset to any organization that engages her talents to advance their work through leadership development.”

Dr. K. Wilson, PhD, Seniors Director, United Way

“The coaching work I've done with Teresa has been invaluable.  I've successfully eliminated anxiety & freed up my creative energy.  The simple and practical business tools, along with Teresa's support have helped my business become profitable.”

N. Providence, Owner, The Providence Institute

 “I was deeply moved by your words. Thank you. You are a very gifted, visionary leader through whom the light of the Spirit shines so clearly.”

Rev. Dr. J. Dorhauer, President and General Minister of the UCC Denomination

“Teresa is one of the greatest people I’ve ever met. She was a guardian angel who never gave up on me. She always believed in me and really opened my eyes to a new way of thinking and behaving. I truly don’t know where I’d be today if I hadn’t have spent over one year with her coaching.”

J. Nadeau, General Manager, Horizon Moving Systems, Phoenix, AZ

“At a time that was very hectic and chaotic, coaching helped me focus on a framework for doing what I needed to do and considering what I needed to consider. I consider myself to be almost obsessive about analyzing my life and where I am going.  So I approached coaching with some skepticism—how much more analysis could I add?  However, Teresa added insights and observations that were very thought provoking.  I realized it is always good to hear another perspective, especially from someone who will sit and listen to what is going on in a detailed way.  The ‘field work’ was extremely enlightening.  I realized things about my thought processes—good and bad—that I had never appreciated.  Finally, Teresa’s peaceful manner was extremely effective in calming me and helping me engage in more quiet contemplation of my ‘issues.’  I now understand why so many highly effective executives utilize coaching services.”

J. M., Attorney, Tucson, AZ

“TC Jones Coaching was instrumental in focusing me on creativity and organization in my personal and professional life.”

M. Haight, Deputy Program Manager, Zygo Corporation

 “Ms. Jones provided tremendous value to me by helping me direct my energies to discover a career path this is truly ‘me’. Her knowledge and experience with adjusting coaching techniques to meet my personal needs were exceptional. I strongly recommend Ms. Jones to anyone seeking a new path or anyone committed to improving their work and personal lives.”

J. Schaan, Manager of Customer Service and Support, Sargent Controls and Aerospace, Inc.

 “I just finished my free 45-minute session with Teresa and WOW!  It was a very insightful and motivating 45 minutes.”

Angela Bush, Conference Planner, Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa, Tucson, AZ

 “Coaching helped me to get my priorities clear at a very difficult time in my life. I have always been an achievement oriented person who focused a lot of time and energy on work.  I knew that had to change, but it was frightening to figure out how to manage in a new way.  My self-esteem was wrapped up in work.  Teresa helped me to examine my life, my mission, my goals, my direction - and make room for myself, my partner, my child, my enjoyment and meaningful work.  I gained many tools for helping me to do that, but more than anything I gained a new perspective.  Over the last several months I really have changed the way my life works and made it work for me in a much more functional and enjoyable way.  These were critical lessons for me to learn and implement in my life right now.  I feel much more ready to balance work and family life than I did nine months ago!”

L. Alexander, Principal, Alexander and Carrillo Consulting

 “At a critical junction in my life, Teresa Cowan Jones helped me to define and clarify my priorities before coaching me in my pursuit for a rewarding career.  Teresa’s expertise helped me become more focused on maximizing my personal and professional potential.  Her professionalism and positive approach has been and continues to be steadfast and inspiring. She has been a tremendous influence in my progression.  I continue to look to her for innovative ways to grow personally and professionally.”

R. M. Phillips, Professional Athlete

“Teresa is certainly one of the catalyst for starting my own business which 18 months in has brought me business from multinational companies! I’m truly living a happy and authentic work-life, in large part because of her. Something inside me changed on that program. On my final day I announced that I was going it alone, quitting my job. I didn’t have a plan, and some may argue, that I didn’t have a hope!] All I had was an anchor to tie myself to…and it turns out, that’s all I ever needed.

K. Roberts, Owner, Growth Hubb and President, Tucson American Marketing Association

"Through coaching with Teresa I gained the ability to more effectively communicate with supervisors, peers, and subordinates."

M. Ujhelyi, Operations Manager, Horizon Moving Systems, Tucson, AZ

 “Teresa is a highly skilled professional who brings great personal authenticity and warmth to the coaching process. Although I had initial doubts about whether coaching could help me realize my dreams, those doubts were dispelled by the results I have realized in just three short months. Teresa’s gentle patience and positivity have helped me work through lots of internal resistance, and she reminds me of how far I've come when I feel stuck. It is wonderful to have an ally to hold the vision of the life I want and help me figure out exactly how to get there. The experience of coaching with Teresa has changed my life, and I recommend her services with confidence and delight." 

L. Camp, Behavioral Counselor, Seattle, WA

 “Teresa’s pointing out how to organize life’s “to-do’s” was incredibly helpful and probably saved my sanity.” 

T. Gordon, Educator and Homemaker

 "After my coaching experience with Teresa, I can attest that she possesses a deeply sincere and committed ethic in coaching people. Her services will help you reach your potential while at the same time guide you toward your truest integrity regarding yourself and your goals.  Teresa beautifully weaves professionalism, compassion, and clarity of purpose in her coaching services, producing a very functional, collaborative and soulful working relationship. Highly recommended!”

R. Gabriel, Licensed Massage Therapist

 “The results were exhilarating!  It made me feel confident, assured, comfortable, and appreciated. Thank you Teresa!”
 F. Fabela

Over the years, I have experienced Teresa as a compelling church retreat designer and leader, an insightful presenter among seasoned clergy, and as a welcoming visionary who helps people find sacred space and compassionate community beyond the conventions of the traditional church. In sacred and secular domains alike, Teresa Cowan Jones speaks with clarity and love. She invites diverse seekers after goodness and peace to cultivate these gifts in themselves and in partnership with their neighbors.  Teresa combines compassionate listening with a commitment to personal and social transformation. As both a spiritual director and community leader, she honors people as the divinely-beloved beings we are and helps us envision the engaged, meaningful lives we may yet live.”

Rev. R.M. Srubas, pastor, author, spiritual director, teacher

“Teresa provided a gentle and nurturing space to begin processing my personal short and long term career goals. What I most appreciated was her incorporating a spiritual essence and calm grounding in the beginning and throughout our sessions. Teresa's honesty , discernment and wisdom were also so appreciated! I consider myself a sensitive person, so her demeanor was really inviting. Thank you, Teresa!”

C. Maradik, Health and Wellness Coach

“Working with Teresa has been extremely healing. Her presence, unconditional love and acceptance allowed me to sit with some of the big career and life transitions I was navigating. In the process, I uncovered what was my true calling, and I am working myself back to alignment with what I am called to do in this lifetime. I am very grateful for the opportunity and grace in working with Teresa Cowan-Jones for spiritual coaching.”

Dr. L. M. Chase, PhD

"Teresa has many years of experience as a spiritual director and guide, listening to people and helping them see where God might be moving in their lives. Teresa has been a great blessing to me in my life and I have benefited from her experience and knowledge. She listens deeply and skillfully asks questions. To this Teresa adds a compassionate heart, a most important gift for anyone accompanying others on their journey."

Sr. K.A. Smolik

Speaking Testimonials

“ Come back! Work with us some more on components of collective leadership.”

“I plan to model collaborative leadership in my work groups with the intention of impacting change.”

 “I think the workshop moved everyone forward in their pursuit of more effective leadership.”

“This workshop had a major impact on our group.”

“I loved it. Very engaging.”

“I appreciated the comfort and ease with which difficult concepts were presented.”

“I plan to use what I learned in this workshop for staff development.”

“Wow! I appreciate so much about this workshop. The morning went by so quickly with so much information and activities to think about and build upon.”

“I appreciate that the perspective and information worked well with the habits of a systems thinker.”

 “After attending the seminar presented by Ms. Jones, I came away with a much greater insight on how to motivate myself. She’s a wealth of knowledge. Lucky those who get to hear her insights! “

“ I appreciate the relevance to my daily, personal and professional life.”

 “I loved the information, time for self-reflection, and ideas generated.”

“It’s been eye-opening and has helped identify the need to be open to new ideas.”

“This workshop changed perspectives in our approach to our work.”

“I appreciate that people were attentive and engaged.”

 “I plan to practice brain management skills.”

“This workshop expanded the thoughts and challenged the beliefs of our group.”

“This had a positive and thoughtful impact on our group.”

 “I appreciate the skills to put into practice and share.”

 “I appreciate the amount of information and the way it was presented.”

 “I feel that everyone in the workshop found things to take away and continue to grow with.”

 “Thanks for presenting to the group today. It was wonderful. The time went by so fast!”

 “I think the workshop was great and had a positive impact on the group.”

 “I really liked the balance of theory, science, activity and group dialogue.”

 “I’m taking away the importance of emotional intelligence and meta-skills.”

 “I learned a lot and understand more about what I need to work on.”

 “I think it will stimulate empowerment in our group.”

 “I appreciated the flow and pace of the workshop; informative and engaging.”

 “The information fits many different facets of my life and work.”

 “I think a lot of valuable information was given.”

“I appreciated the explanations about meta-skills.”

 “This shifted our group’s perception.”

“Perfect length and amount of information.”

 “I feel that everyone in the group took away something positive.”

 “From this workshop, I’m taking away self-management.”

 “This helped build collaborations in our group.”

 “This is new and wonderful information for me.”

 “I plan to use what I gained from this workshop in my work, home and community.”